• Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2022 Wicked Whaleboat Challenge; our first after Covid! It was a joy to welcome teams from Hull Lifesaving Museum, Boston Open Water Rowing, Buzzard’s Bay Rowing, Azorean Maritime Heritage Society, Dharma Voyage, and our own Whaling City Rowing. It was a windy and blustery day, with wind increasing as the race continued. Thankfully we had enough tarps to create a wind - free zone for our tables of food, merch, and for registration.

    .....the RESULTS by order of launching..(BWT is Bob Water Time, or how long he was in the water)

    • Estrela do Mar — 16:10 (BWT 1:50)

    • Son of a Gunwhale — 14:51 (BWT 1:03) — FIRST PLACE

    • Tidal Bores — 15:56 (BWT 2:25) — DROWNED CAPTAIN

    • Ship Happens — 15:11 (BWT 1:10) — SECOND PLACE

    • Seas the Day — 16:46 (BWT 1:13)

    • Whaley Coyote —19:16 (BWT 1:35)

    • Azoreans — 16:48 (BWT 1:41)

    • White Caps — 15:15 (BWT 0:53) — THIRD PLACE

    • Bow Wow! — 17:50 (BWT 1:31)

    • Bitchin’ Baleines — 23:03 (BWT 2:17)

    • Row Aways — 20:19 (BWT 1:33)

    • DV Whaleboaters — 17:13 (BWT 1:10)

    • Crabalots — 16:40 (BWT 1:26)

    A HUGE thanks to our volunteers…

    • Mark Hurley and Jenna Ellis, who coordinated and ran the race as well as timed the boats.

    • Greg Ruf who worked hard on the docks to keep the race moving and get crews safely in and out of the boats.

    • Bridget Greenwood who managed our merch tent and helped with race day setup and take down, as well as serving food.

    • Lauri Bissonette who manages the Wickedest Best Chili Competition coordination every year and who makes sure our crews and volunteers are well fed.

    • James Bonahan for supplying our delicious coffee!

    • Chuck Green for his photography and filming skills

    • Barbara Moreira, Ed and Alice Deluca, Dan and Colleen Cox, Larry Almeida, Jim Mello for race day setup and take down, dropping markers, moving boats and general support throughout race day.

    • The crews from all of our participating clubs for their help after the event with retrieving markers (thank you Jodi!) and taking down all of our tents, tarps, and tables!

    Our sponsors this year include…



  • Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2019 Wicked Whaleboat Challenge. 16 teams participated this year! We seem to grow a little every year. We couldn't be happier to welcome teams all the way from Westport, Hull and Boston to participate in our most prestigious event.

    .....the RESULTS by order of launching..(BWT is Bob Water Time, or how long he was in the water)

    A Whale Oiled Machine ----- 12:36 (BWT 2:23)

    Dharma Mamas --------------- 13:20 (BWT 2:36)

    Ship Happens ----------------- 13:23 (BWT 2:20)

    Whale Oars -------------------- 13:02 (BWT 2:32)

    Miller HiLites ------------------- 13:42 (BWT 2:19)

    Ocean Maidens ---------------- 13:06 (BWT 2:05)

    Dharma 2 ----------------------- 13:11 (BWT 2:13)

    Defying Gravity  ----------------14:15 (BWT 2:50)

    Sirenes -------------------------- 13:05 (BWT 2:31)

    Sails of Portugal -------------- 11:47 (BWT 2:42) FIRST PLACE

    Crab-a-Lots ---------------------15:09 (BWT 2:24)

    Hooligans ------------------------15:53 (BWT 2:14)

    Rosy Cheeks -------------------14:20 (BWT 2:21)

    May the 4th Be With You---- 12:16 (BWT 2:11) SECOND PLACE

    The Shiverin’ Timbers ------- 15:06 (BWT 2:53) DROWNED CAPT’N AWARD

    The Gray Buzzards ---------- 12:21 (BWT 2:01) THIRD PLACE

    and CONGRATULATIONS to Nancy Astepen (sp?) for winning the coveted Wicked Best-est Chowdah apron and Joanne Chase for winning the Wicked Best-est Chili apron! DELICIOUS!!

    Thanks everyone!

    Special thanks to Lauri Bissonette for coordinating the food and chef competition. Thanks to James Hayes-Bohanan for the delicious coffee, Kristin Carvalho for manning the merch tent, and Jenna Ellis and Brenda DuFresne for registration. Thank you's also to our hard working volunteers, Jenna Ellis, Jim O'Dowd and Alice DeLuca for their patience and diligence as well for timing the race, and and thank you to Greg Ruf for working the docks and getting everyone safely in out out of the boats in such a chaotic atmosphere, and finally a huge thank you to the Fairhaven and New Bedford Police and Fire Dept’s for keeping the course clear and everyone safe on the water (and replacing a drifting race marker)!

  • Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2018 Wicked Whaleboat Challenge! Despite some confusion of the actual course, and some adjustment questions, (our fault, it will be remedied in the future. As punishment, we have thrown Mark from the highest cliff we could find. He won't be bothering anyone anymore), a fun time was had by everyone. 14 teams participated this year! We couldn't be happier to welcome some new teams this year all the way from Westport, Hull and Boston to participate in this prestigious event.

    .....the RESULTS by order of launching..(BWT is Bob Water Time, or how long he was in the water)

    Polar Oartex ------------------ 10:39 (BWT 1:48) FIRST PLACE
    Duall Dharma ---------------- 10:54 (BWT 1:54) THIRD PLACE
    Crab-a-Lots ------------------- 13:57 (BWT 2:20)
    Sirene's ------------------------ 12:07 (BWT 2:01)
    Seal Whisperers -------------- 13:09 (BWT 2:02)
    Hull Life Saving Museum -- 12"31 (BWT 2:02)
    Sea Warriors ------------------ 16:25 (BWT 3:06) DROWNED CAPT’N AWARD
    Os Remadores  ----------------10:49 (BWT 1:56) SECOND PLACE
    Ekam Dharma ---------------- 15:06 (BWT 2:49)
    Miller High Lites ------------- 12:43 (BWT 2:56)
    No Cinco de Boat -------------12:55 (BWT 2:45)
    The Grey Buzzards ------------11:51 (BWT 1:53)
    The Hooligans -----------------14:41 (BWT 2:38)
    Boston Rowing Club --------- 11:29 (BWT 1:53)

    and CONGRATULATIONS to Nancy Astephen from BBRC for winning the coveted Wicked Best-est Chowdah apron of 2018 and Allison Francisco from the AMHS for winning the Wicked Best-est Chili apron of 2018! DELICIOUS!!

    Thanks everyone!

    Special thanks to Lauri Bissonette for coordinating the food and chef competition. Thanks to James Hayes-Bohanan for the delicious coffee, Sarah Innes for manning the merch tent, and Nancy Carliss for registration. Thank you's also to Susan Athaide, Jim O'Dowd and Alice DeLuca for their patience and diligence as well for timing the race, and and finally, a huge thank you to Stephanie Garde and Greg Ruf for working the docks and getting everyone safely in out out of the boats in such a chaotic atmosphere.

  • Thanks to everyone who participated in the 2017 Wicked Whaleboat Challenge! Between the torrential rain and the 19mph winds, it lived up to it's name. The fact that 12 teams participated in those conditions, is a testament to your indomitable spirit. But enough of my ramblings...the RESULTS by order of launching..(BWT is Bob Water Time, or how long he was in the water)

    The Crab-A-Lots------ 12:41 (BWT 2:21)
    Kevin's Buzzards-------10:37 (BWT 1:47) THIRD PLACE
    AMHS Men's------------9:55 (BWT 2:09) FIRST PLACE
    BBRC Pick Me Ups---12:33 (BWT 2:21)
    Miller Highlites--------12:10 (BWT 2:43)
    AHMS Women's------17:09 (BWT 6:51) DROWNED CAPT'N AWARD
    The Oar-E-O's---------12:32 (BWT 2:03)
    The Sirines--------------11:03 (BWT 1:39)
    Polar Oartex------------10:20 (BWT 1:55) SECOND PLACE
    Dirty Oars---------------12:29 (BWT 2:52)
    Seal Whisperers---------11:37 (BWT 1:55)
    Louie's Buzzards------- 11:54 (BWT 1:58)

    also congratulations to Ryan Dwelly for winning the coveted Golden Ladle for the Wicked Best-est Chowdah of 2017 and Lee-Ann Ruf for winning the cherished Golden Spork for the Wicked Best-est Chili of 2017!

    Thanks everyone!