Upcoming WCR Events

Ahoy all!

We have lots coming up in the next few weeks you might want to know about. So, I'll try to keep it brief.

August 30th at 8:am - We are going to attempt another roadtrip (once again, weather permitting) to Plymouth. Please sign up at the SignUp Genius page here...


Sept 13 - Minot's Light Roundabout in Cohasset - We have TWO boats participating so far, the Grey Buzzards and the Polar Oartex. If you're free that day, swing by and help cheer on our teams!


Sept 19 - The Slocum Challenge Regatta - We'll be bringing the Skylark down to the Slocum the week of the race and leave it there for a few weeks afterward, for any crews that would enjoy a Slocum row.


Sept 26 - The Working Waterfront Festival Whaleboat Races - Our friends at Buzzard's Bay Rowing always put on a fun race and we don't even have to bring our own boats! (Don't forget the performance portion! Last year the Shiverin' Timbers won "Best Performance" with a sea shanty)


October 18 - The Mighty Merrimack Rowing Race in Amesbury - Not much info on this yet.


Wow! This Summer has flown by!

See you on the water.

-Mark Hurley

WCR Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas