Ahoy all!
We have lots coming up in the next few weeks you might want to know about. So, I'll try to keep it brief.
August 30th at 8:am - We are going to attempt another roadtrip (once again, weather permitting) to Plymouth. Please sign up at the SignUp Genius page here...
Sept 13 - Minot's Light Roundabout in Cohasset - We have TWO boats participating so far, the Grey Buzzards and the Polar Oartex. If you're free that day, swing by and help cheer on our teams!
Sept 19 - The Slocum Challenge Regatta - We'll be bringing the Skylark down to the Slocum the week of the race and leave it there for a few weeks afterward, for any crews that would enjoy a Slocum row.
Sept 26 - The Working Waterfront Festival Whaleboat Races - Our friends at Buzzard's Bay Rowing always put on a fun race and we don't even have to bring our own boats! (Don't forget the performance portion! Last year the Shiverin' Timbers won "Best Performance" with a sea shanty)
October 18 - The Mighty Merrimack Rowing Race in Amesbury - Not much info on this yet.
Wow! This Summer has flown by!
See you on the water.
-Mark Hurley
WCR Vice Admiral of the Narrow Seas